Teeth sensitivity is caused by tiny cracks in enamel that expose nerve endings. Brushing and flossing regularly helps keep these sensitive areas clean and free of bacteria.
Brush and Floss Properly.
If you’re brushing your teeth more than twice a day, consider switching to an electric toothbrush. Electric brushes use less pressure and move at a slower pace than manual brushes, so they won’t cause as much damage to your gums. You should also switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush instead of a hard one. Soft bristles will not irritate your gums as easily.
Don’t Overbrush.
Brushing your teeth too often can lead to gum recession, which makes your teeth sensitive. Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue recedes below the level of the tooth surface. This exposes the root of the tooth, which then becomes sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. To avoid gum recession, make sure you brush your teeth only once every two days.
Avoid Foods That Cause Sensitivity.
If you’re having trouble brushing away the feeling of pain, try switching to an electric toothbrush. Electric brushes use less pressure than manual ones, so they won’t cause as much damage to your gums. You should also switch to a softer toothpaste. Soft pastes contain fewer abrasives, which means they’ll leave your mouth feeling cleaner.
Take Care of Your Gums.
Brushing and flossing regularly will help keep your teeth healthy and reduce the chances of developing sensitive teeth. However, there’s more to good oral hygiene than just brushing and flossing. It’s also important to pay attention to your gums. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. If you notice any changes in your gums, make sure to visit your dentist right away.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly.
The sensitive teeth make it difficult for person to drink and eat. Consult your teeth sensitivity pain with best dentist who work for BOON DENTAL Care Clinic in Lucknow at an early stage can help you. DENTAL CARE Clinic in Lucknow will find the best solution for you and can also recommend some good mouthwashes and toothpaste especially manufactured for teeth sensitivity. Treatment for teeth sensitivity book appointment online now for best dentist in Lucknow.
To avoid sensitive teeth, try these five tips:
1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
2. Floss daily.
3. Rinse your mouth after eating.
4. Don’t use hard candy or other foods that cause your teeth to hurt when chewing.
5. Avoid using tobacco products.